Sunday, May 29, 2016

                                                   NATIVITY / RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE

             The Government now prescribed the following guidelines to the Revenue Officials, for adhering, strictly while issuing Nativity Certificates.

1.  (a) Nativity means a place by virtue of one's birth
(b) Residence denotes a place a person staying regularly.

2.   (a) Nativity Certificate is issued subject to the applicant proving continuous residence for five years and above.
(b) Residence certificate is issued if one lives in a place for more than one year.

3.   The following guidelines have been prescribed for issue of Nativity Certificates.

i)      The parents/guardians of the applicant/students or the applicants themselves should have permanently resided continuously for period of five years in Tami Nadu.

ii)        Permanently residing for a period of five years should be supported by documentary evidence.

iii)        The family ration card, Electoral Roll, Census list, if taken recently, documents like sale deed, tax receipt etc. relating to the property owned by either of the parents or by the applicant may be verified.

iv)    The Transfer Certificate issued by the School authorities where the applicant had studied last may be verified to know whether he was in the state for five years.

v)     If considered necessary, the officers issuing a Nativity Certificate may enquire the Village Administrative Officers and conduct local enquiry to ascertain whether the applicant has resided in Tamil Nadu for more than 5 years continuously.

vi)     Officers, before issuing nativity certificates, should satisfy themselves beyond doubt that the applicants did not furnish wrong address for the purposes of obtaining Nativity Certificates; and,

vii)        The birth place of the parent, place of residence of the parent/father, permanent asset, mother tongue, place of education, place of marriage of the applicant/parents, the period of stay in and outside Tamilnadu can also be considered before issuing certificate.
i)             Article 5 of Constitution of India
ii)            G.O.Ms.No.2388, Revenue, dated 27.11.1990
iii)           Revenue Manual

v  The certifying officers should insist upon clear proof of the Nativity of the Parent or Guardian of the applicant and satisfy themselves on the genuineness of the residential qualification. They should be particularly careful in the case of applicant whose mother tongue is not Tamil and whose place of birth is other than Tamil Nadu and who have studied VIII to XII standards outside Tamil Nadu.


Ø   Every person of sound mind not being a minor may dispose of his property by way of WILL. Any such WILL left by the testator shall...