Saturday, October 8, 2011

Some Parliament Buildings Around the World

India's Parliament House meanwhile emphasises continuity with it circular structure, overseen by a statue of Mahatma Gandhi, with features that are designed to evoke ancient indian monuments.  The building was opened in 1927 after a construction project lasting nearly six years.  The transfer of power from the UK to its former colony took pace on 15th August 1947 in the Central Hall, a circular domed building within Parliament House.

The US Congress meets in Washington DC at the capital building, which features a vast dome and elaborate triangular pediments perched on top of grand columns inspired by the classical architecture of Greek and Roman temples.  Construction of the building began in 1793, and it was first occupied in 1800.  Since then, numerous additions have been made by a succession of architects, including the replacement of the original dome with the urrent cast-iron structure.

Classical themes also inspired the design of the portico on the Palais Bourbon, which has been the seat of the French National Assembly of lower legislative chamber of the French govt since 1798.  The portico was added to the place in 1806 to the honour Napoleon, but the emperor was reportedly unimpressed.  He regretted he was no longer an artillery officer who could target his canons against this ridiculous screen, future minister for fine arts Antonin Proust said in 1891.

South Africa's Parliament

The Reichstag, Germany's Parliament

Canada's Parliament

The Diet National Parliament Building was constructed between January 1920 and November 1936 in Tokyo.

Russia's Lower House, the State Duma

Australia's Parliament

In Brasilia, as in Canberra, architects and town planners were given the chance to realise radical design ideas.  This building hosts Brazil's Bicameral Legislature.


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